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How to Use the SuckR PRO Vacuum Function (Wet & Dry)

Table of Contents

  1. Step-by-Step Instructions

Using your Bigboi SuckR PRO for both wet and dry vacuuming is simple and efficient. Follow these steps to operate the vacuum function correctly:

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Turn On the SuckR PRO

    • Insert the plug into the outlet.
    • Turn the switch to position "I" to turn on the SuckR PRO automatically. The remote can also control the SuckR PRO on/off (Pic.9).

  1. Using the Remote Control

    • Press the on/off button (A) on the remote.
    • Choose between three speed settings: low, medium, and high (Pic.10).

  1. Stop the Machine

    • To stop the machine, press the on/off switch to the 'O' position.
  2. Remote Control - Code Matching

    • If the remote does not work or if you are using a new remote, code matching is required:
      1. Turn the switch to position 'I' (Pic.9).
      2. Press the setting button (S) twice (Pic.11), then press on/off (A) on the remote (Pic.10).
      3. The SuckR PRO will stop working when matching. After 10 seconds, the remote will work. Note: The SuckR PRO is already matched with its own remote and can work directly when received.

By following these steps, you can effectively use your SuckR PRO for wet and dry vacuuming tasks. If you encounter any issues, refer to our troubleshooting guide or contact our support team for assistance.

Note: The dust bag is suitable only for dry vacuum-cleaning ONLY!

Updated on 25 Jun 2024