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How to Turn On and Off Your WashR FLO

Table of Contents

  1. Starting and Stopping

Starting and stopping your Bigboi WashR FLO is essential for safe and effective use. Follow these steps for proper operation.

Starting and Stopping

  1. Preparation

    • Connect the washer to the water supply and power supply, ensuring that the main switch is in the off position.
    • Ensure the washer has been correctly assembled and prepared for use.
  2. Starting the Washer

    • Press the switch to the ON position.
    • Adjust the spray to the desired position.
    • Release the trigger and point the nozzle at the area to be washed.
    • Press the trigger and proceed with cleaning.
  3. Stopping the Washer

    • When you have finished cleaning, switch OFF the washer and disconnect the unit:
      1. Press the switch to the OFF position.
      2. Turn off the water supply.
      3. Discharge the water in the pump and hose by pressing the trigger for a few seconds, or until there is nothing coming out of the sprayer.
      4. Lock the trigger in the OFF position.
      5. Disconnect the main power supply.

By following these steps, you ensure your WashR FLO is operated safely and efficiently. If you encounter any issues, refer to our troubleshooting guide or contact our support team for assistance.

Updated on 25 Jun 2024